Charles Lee


I am a graduate from a data analytics boot camp from the continuing education division of the University of California, Irvine. In my time at the data analytics boot camp, we covered various topics within the world of data analytics, including machine learning, big data analytics, data visualizations, web scrapping, social media mining, front-end visualizations, databases (SQL and NoSQL), full-stack development and business intelligence software (Tableau). In addition, we covered the programming languages of Python, R and JavaScript.

Currently, I work full-time as a design verification engineer in a chip design team at Broadcom but I am transitioning into the data analytics realm. Additionally, I freelance part-time as a data scientist for Mixcord. During my transition period, I have continued to grow myself by taking various courses at Business Science University, DataCamp, and Udemy. I am currently enrolled in Udacity's data engineering nanodegree program. Overall I love data analytics and hope to continue to grow in this area.

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Twitter Bot Python Script

Project Summary

Created Twitter Bot to analyze twitter data sentiment analysis using VADER. Bot would respond to mentions of twitter handle using a prescribed fomat specifying Twitter handle to perform analysis on. Then using Tweepy API would retrieve most recent twitter feed for mentioned handle and reply to request with sentiment analysis.

Example analysis: Twitter Bot Account