I am a graduate from a data analytics boot camp from the continuing education division of the University of California, Irvine. In my time at the data analytics boot camp, we covered various topics within the world of data analytics, including machine learning, big data analytics, data visualizations, web scrapping, social media mining, front-end visualizations, databases (SQL and NoSQL), full-stack development and business intelligence software (Tableau). In addition, we covered the programming languages of Python, R and JavaScript.
Currently, I work full-time as a design verification engineer in a chip design team at Broadcom but I am transitioning into the data analytics realm. Additionally, I freelance part-time as a data scientist for Mixcord. During my transition period, I have continued to grow myself by taking various courses at Business Science University, DataCamp, and Udemy. I am currently enrolled in Udacity's data engineering nanodegree program. Overall I love data analytics and hope to continue to grow in this area.
View My LinkedIn Profile
Group project for data analytics bootcamp. Took data from LA bikeshare website developing a dashboard, data analysis and bike station routing application.
<select name="dropdownSelect" id="station_dropdownSelect" onchange="getData(this.value)">
<select name="dayDropdown" id="day_dropdownSelect" onchange="WeekDayData(this.value)">
<option value ="Monday">Monday</option>
<option value ="Tuesday">Tuesday</option>
<option value ="Wednesday">Wednesday</option>
<option value ="Thursday">Thursday</option>
<option value ="Friday">Friday</option>
<option value ="Saturday">Saturday</option>
<option value ="Sunday">Sunday</option>
d3.json(url).then(function(data) {
var select = document.getElementById("station_dropdownSelect");
select.innerHTML = "";
data.features.forEach(data => {
select.innerHTML += "<option value=\"" + data.properties.kioskId + "\">" + data.properties.name + "</option>";
function getData(station_name){
var station_name = d3.select("#station_dropdownSelect").property("value");
var week_day = d3.select("#day_dropdownSelect").property("value");
var x_labels = data.map(function(d) { return +d.time_slices});
var y_labels = data.map(function(d) { return +d.duration});
Plotly.restyle("graph", "x", [x_labels]);
Plotly.restyle("graph", "y", [y_labels]);
function WeekDayData(week_day){
var station_name = d3.select("#station_dropdownSelect").property("value");
var week_day = d3.select("#day_dropdownSelect").property("value");
var x_labels = data.map(function(d) { return +d.time_slices});
var y_labels = data.map(function(d) { return +d.duration});
Plotly.restyle("graph", "x", [x_labels]);
Plotly.restyle("graph", "y", [y_labels]);
@app.route("/dashboard/<station_name>/<week_day>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def day_dashboard(station_name, week_day):
db = client.bike_data_db
collection = db.bike_trip.find({"$and":[{"start_station": int(station_name)},{"weekday": str(week_day)}]} )
trips = []
for trip in collection:
df_filtered = pd.DataFrame(trips)
df_filtered["time_slices"] = [datetime.strptime(time_sl, "%H:%M:%S").strftime("%H") for time_sl in df_filtered["start_time"]]
df_grouped = df_filtered.groupby("time_slices")["duration"].sum()
df_grouped = df_grouped.reset_index()
df_grouped = df_grouped.sort_values("time_slices")
return df_grouped.to_json(orient='records')
function getRoute() {
if(myLocationCoords.length >= 1 && stationArray.length >= 1) {
var start = myLocationCoords;
var end = stationArray.pop();
var directionsRequest = 'https://api.mapbox.com/directions/v5/mapbox/driving/' + start[0] + ',' + start[1] + ';' + end[0] + ',' + end[1] + '?geometries=geojson&steps=true&access_token=' + API_KEY;
var directions = "<h3>Driving Directions:</h3>";
else if(stationArray.length >= 2) {
var end = stationArray.pop();
var start = stationArray.pop();
var directionsRequest = 'https://api.mapbox.com/directions/v5/mapbox/cycling/' + start[0] + ',' + start[1] + ';' + end[0] + ',' + end[1] + '?geometries=geojson&steps=true&access_token=' + API_KEY;
var directions = "<h3>Cycling Directions:</h3>";
else {
method: 'GET',
url: directionsRequest,
}).done(function(data) {
var route = data.routes[0].geometry;
var myStyle = {
"color": "#ff7800",
"weight": 5,
"opacity": 0.65
routeLayer = L.geoJSON(route, {
style: myStyle
var steps = data.routes[0].legs[0].steps;
directions += "Trip distance: " + (data.routes[0].legs[0].distance/1600).toFixed(2) + " miles<br>";
directions += "Trip duration: " + (data.routes[0].legs[0].duration/60).toFixed(2) + " minutes<hr>";
for(i=0; i < steps.length; i++){
//console.log(steps[i].maneuver.instruction + " "+ (steps[i].distance/1600).toFixed(2) + " miles");
directions += steps[i].maneuver.instruction + " "+ (steps[i].distance/1600).toFixed(2) + " miles<hr>";
// this is where the code from the next step will go
// Function set to button on html to locate yourself
function getLocation() {
myMap.locate({setView: true, maxZoom: 16});
// When location found logic to place marker
function onLocationFound(e) {
var radius = e.accuracy / 2;
if(myLocation) {
myLocationCoords = [e.latlng.lng, e.latlng.lat];
startendLocation.push([e.latlng.lat.toFixed(2), e.latlng.lng.toFixed(2)]);
myLocation = L.marker(e.latlng, {icon: myLocationIcon}).addTo(myMap)
.bindPopup("You are within " + radius + " meters from this point").openPopup();
// Monitor event for location found
myMap.on('locationfound', onLocationFound);
db = client.bike_data_db
bike_trip = db.bike_trip.find()
full_dict = []
for trip in bike_trip:
df = pd.DataFrame(full_dict)
# use pass type to filter dataframe based on passholder type
# group by day of week and pass info back into d3
pass_type = request.args.get('pass_type')
selection = df.loc[df['passholder_type'] == pass_type, :]
grouped_df = selection[['weekday','duration']].groupby('weekday').sum()
index_reset = grouped_df.reset_index()
index_reset['weekday'] = pd.Categorical(index_reset['weekday'], categories=['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday', 'Sunday'], ordered=True)
weekday_df = index_reset.sort_values('weekday')
return weekday_df.to_json(orient='records')
db = client.bike_data_db
bike_trip = db.bike_rental.find()
pass_type = request.args.get('pass_type')
bike_trip = list(bike_trip)
for item in bike_trip:
if pass_type in item.keys():
<form action="" method="post">
<label for="start">Enter start date:</label>
<input type="date" id="start-date" name="start-date" min="2018-07-01" max="2018-08-31" value="2018-07-01">
<label for="end">Enter end date:</label>
<input type="date" id="end-date" name="end-date" min="2018-07-02" value="2018-07-31">
<input id="heat-form-submit" type="submit" value="Generate Heat Map" />
$('#heat-form-submit').on('click', function(e){
var start = $('input#start-date').val(),
end = $('input#end-date').val();
var formData = 'start-date=' + start + '&end-date=' + end;
type: 'post',
url: '/api/getHeatData',
data: formData,
success: function(results) {
var stationCount = results.reduce(function (allNames, name){
if(name.start_station in allNames) {
else {
return allNames;
link = "https://bikeshare.metro.net/stations/json/";
var stationData = d3.json(link).then(async function(data) {
var testData = {max: 8,
data: []
data.features.forEach((item)=> {
testData.data.push({lat: item.properties.latitude, lng: item.properties.longitude, count: stationCount[item.properties.kioskId]});
return testData;
stationData.then(data => {
@app.route("/api/getHeatData", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def stations():
if request.method == "POST":
start_date = request.form["start-date"]
end_date = request.form["end-date"]
return(newplots(start_date, end_date))
return render_template("index.html")
mongodump -h localhost:27017 -d bike_data_db -o dump_dir
mongorestore -h ds225294.mlab.com:25294 -d heroku_9cs4xj21 -u <user_name> -p <password> --authenticationDatabase heroku_9cs4xj21 dump_dir/* ## Unable to pull json data from non-secure links Pre-pulled data and uploaded to mongoDB. Used flask app to pull data instead.
Too slow querying 90k+ data then aggregating and sending to javascript. Instead pre-queried data possibilities and saved to mongoDB.